Conference Venue
3625 Park Ave, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P8

Preetha Krishnamoorthy
Pediatric Endocrinologist, Montreal Children's Hospital, MUHC, Montreal, QC
David Rothstein
Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC
Terry Sigman
Director, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Montreal Children's Hospital, MUHC, Montreal, QC
John Yaremko
Pediatrician, Montreal Children's Hospital, Assistant Professor, McGill University, Montreal, QC
All presentations will be given in English.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Distinguish between exogenous and endocrine forms of obesity
- Have a basic approach to dyslipidemia and PCOS
- Recognize red flags for syndromic and monogenic forms of obesity
- Know when to refer to endocrinology!

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Review thyroid anatomy and the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones.
- Learn to recognize, manage, and know when to refer cases of sick euthyroid.
- Review congenital hypothyroidism, central hypothyroidism, and neonatal Graves' disease. Recognize thyroid disorders in older children and adolescents.
- Discuss the approach to thyroid nodules as a primary care physician.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Understand timing and signs at onset of normal puberty
- Recognize signs of precocious puberty and know its differential diagnosis
- Know when to investigate and refer for delayed puberty

1. Understand when H.Pylori testing is indicated
2. Understand available testing techniques and current recommendations
3. Understand current treatment recommendations

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Differentiate the presentations of GER & GERD in the first 6 months of life from other clinical entities
- Understand the diagnostic work up of GERD in your practice
- Review the management of GER and GERD in your office practice

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Understand the risk factors and pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome-associated liver disease (MASLD).
- Learn how to evaluate a child with elevated liver enzymes for MASLD.
- Have an approach to the short- and long-term management of pediatric patients with MASLD.
- Identify which patients with MASLD require further evaluation and referral.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the approach to H Pylori testing and management in children
• Understand the work-up and management of GERD in children under 6 months of age
• Develop an approach to the work-up of Metabolic Syndrome Associated Liver Disease
• Develop an approach to obesity in children and understand its complications
• Review various forms of thyroid disease in children
• Understand the approach to precocious and delayed puberty in children
How to claim your certificate for the course:
Complete the Evaluation Form at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9WRFGS6 by May 15. The form can be completed progressively or at once. If you fill it in progressively, you need to use the same device. We will email your certificate by May 22.
Gold Sponsors

Infant Nutrition
Caroline Breton
Territory Business Manager

Nutricia works closely with healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers to make a real difference in people's lives. Our Neocate®, Aptamil® Pepti, KetoCal® as well as our metabolic and modular products offer the best-in-class products and services designed to support the changing nutritional needs of your patients.
Ms. Mylene Limoges
Specialty Territory Manager - GI/Allergy
Registration opens January 21, 2025
Registration Fees
The registration fees listed below are subject to GST/PST.
Registration fees include access to the in-person event including welcome coffee, coffee breaks and lunch.
Physician |
$425 |
$525 |
Nurses, Allied Health Practitioners, Residents, Students |
$250 |
$300 |
Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest
Speakers will be requested to disclose to the audience any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest that may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of this program.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Full refunds, less an administrative fee of $50 for physicians and $25 for all other categories, will be made for written cancellations received by May 1, 2024. Please note that all refunds will be issued only after the Conference. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after May 1, 2024. For cancellation, please contact: